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Investment Gold

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Universal Search

Universal Search allows you to find literally any text in GoldMine's entire database in the blink of an eye. It is incredibly useful. Consider the following scenarios.

Scenario 1

You can recall discussing investment product XYZ with a client a few days ago. But try as you might, you can't remember which client it was. The solution? Fortunately you entered a summary of the conversation into a GoldMine Call activity record. So in the upper left corner of GoldMine, you type "XYZ" into the Universal Search field and click the blue Go button. A Universal Search tab instantly opens that lists every entry in GoldMine's entire database containing "XYZ" (or "xyz", "Xyz", etc.). That list can include contact records, activity records, email messages, literally every type of data in GoldMine. If the list is long, you click on the Created column's heading to sort the list by date. And voila, up near the top of the list you see that your conversation was with Jane Doe. You click on that entry and find yourself immediately positioned on Jane's contact record with the History tab open and the Call record selected.

Scenario 2

Your head office's auditor wants to review your team's interactions with investors to ensure compliance. You invite them to sit down in front of GoldMine and type any active client's name chosen at random into the Universal Search field and click Go. In the resulting list, ask them to click on the Modified column's heading to sort by date. Now with a single click they can immediately drill down into the details of any entry in that list. They can review phone conversations, meeting notes and email messages at a glance. For the first time ever, you see the auditor smile! And a happy auditor leads to an even happier financial advisor.

Scenario 3

Sally is off sick today and you are covering for her. She has left you a hand written note about someone that needs to be contacted today. Unfortunately, you spilled coffee on her note and now it is only half legible. You can make out the words "Susie" and "Jeff". Jeff is of course one of your senior advisors. But who is Susie? The client? Their spouse? Their daughter? Their dog? Being a GoldMine pro, you immediately do a Universal Search on "Susie" and sort the results by the Created By column. Searching the section of the list corresponding to Jeff, you find just one contact record that contains Susie. Now you know who the note is about. Time to have a quick chat with Jeff to get up-to-speed on what the client needs today.

The value of the information stored in your GoldMine database is priceless. And GoldMine empowers you to access that information quickly and easily in a variety of ways. You can use the Contact Search Center tab. You can create a Filter, a Group or an SQL Query. The list goes on and on. But the fastest and most flexible way to find specific information is via Universal Search. If you are new to this feature, please feel free to experiment a bit when you have a quiet moment. You'll be glad that you did!


At this very special time of the year, we wish you all the best during this joyous holiday season and in 2022!

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